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About Us

Friends of the Free School

Friends of the Free School is a PTA registered charity that aims to create a community of families and carers of the pupils at Hatcham Temple Grove Free School who raise funds to benefit the children.


Where does our money go?

Our main fundraising project has been to support a Forest School program at the school and develop an area of land near the building called the Wild Space. We have also funded a new school piano, built vegetable patches for Year 1 and Year 2 classrooms, provided books, games and beanbags for the library and learning materials for the classrooms. In addition, we have funded a school PA system, notice board and contribute towards various enrichment activities as recommended by the school.

Decision making

Our Meetings

We have open meetings, where we discuss our plans for events and activities and agree our spending priorities. Our meetings are once a term and hope that you will get involved and help create a school community you’d like to be part of. If you have toddlers, they are welcome too!

Who We Are

The Committee

  • Co-chairs - Emilio Bielsa
  • Secretary - Kelvin Chan
  • Treasurer - Laura Gillam
  • Communications - Jana Haldrich-Jenkins
  • Diversity & well-being officer: Agatha Okafor
  • Eco officer - Silvia Llaguno
  • Ordinary Committee Members - Anna Hudson
  • Bookshop manager - Caterina R Ladrechi
Registered Charity No. 1166718

A Registered Charity

As our income exceeds £5,000 per year, the Friends of the Free School is required to register as a charity. Benefits of registering as a charity include:

  • exemption from the payment of income and corporation tax
  • eligibility to receive charitable donations from local and national companies
  • eligibility to apply for grants
  • eligibility for payroll giving and company matched giving schemes
  • eligibility to apply for Gift Aid
  • In addition, this is confirmation that the Friends of the Free School is working for the benefit of the children at the Free School.
  • Our charity number is 1166718 and we have registered with Gift Aid, which means we will be able to reclaim tax on certain donations.
  • As a charity we now also have to comply with a clear set of rules set out by the Charity Commission. Whilst we are able to raise funds for other charities, we must consider the impact of this on our fund raising for School enrichment and on our limited resources. We all have our favoured charities which we support and we hope you understand that we are not able to raise funds for other charities at Friends of the Free School events.
  • Please do continue to use the Facebook page to publicise your charitable events and please do speak to Mr Welsh if you have an idea that the school council may be interested in supporting.